ASHP New Practitioners Forum Leadership Opportunities
- Executive Committee Appointments (applications open annually in September)
- Advisory Group Appointments (applications open annually in February)
- ASHP Council Appointments (applications open annually in September)
ASHP Pharmacy Practice Sections
New practitioners are encouraged to get involved in the ASHP Pharmacy Practice Sections and utilize the resources available to assist them in their practice needs. Explore the ASHP Sections here.
Other Involvement Opportunities
- CV Review Program: Volunteer to review a student CV during the fall or spring session of the CV Review Program. Reviewers can select the number of CVs to review during the specified time period. New practitioner members can also submit their CV for review.
- Guided Mentorship Program: Participate as a mentor or mentee in the six-month structured mentorship program for students and new practitioners.
- Lead the Student Leadership Development Workshop or the Student Pharmacy Forecast Workshop at your local or state affiliate or your organization. Offer to serve as a facilitator for one of these student workshops.
- State Affiliate Organization Involvement: ASHP state affiliates provide a great way for new practitioners to network, advocate, publish, and lead in their local professional communities. Check out the new practitioner benefits of getting involved with a state affiliate.
- Get involved in an ASHP National Meeting: Present a poster, serve as a poster mentor, or view the Presenter's Calendar for presenter opportunities.
- Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residents' Collaborative (PALRC): if you are a PGY1 or PGY2 pharmacy administration and leadership resident, check out the opportunities to engage with PALRC and connect with the administration and leadership community.
- Follow the ASHP New Practitioners Forum on Twitter @ASHP_NPF for updates on NPF events and resources.
- Explore other opportunities to get involved at ASHP.
Contribute to AJHP
- Submit an Article to AJHP
- New Practitioner Column: The New Practitioner Column is published on a regular basis in the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (AJHP). The column features articles that address the special professional needs of pharmacists early in their careers as they transition from students to practitioners. Authors include new practitioners or others with expertise in a topic of interest to new practitioners. Visit the AJHP Author Guidelines webpage for more information.
- AJHP Residents Edition: Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that describe the results of research projects or rigorous quality improvement programs undertaken while they were residents.
- Volunteer as an AJHP Reviewer: Grow your editorial experience by serving as a reviewer for AJHP. Register at AJHP's web-based manuscript submission and review system and enter your contact information and areas of expertise. An editor will contact you when you are selected to review a manuscript.
Programs Available to New Practitioners: