The CPEL Capstone

CPEL BadgeWhat is the Capstone?
In lieu of a standardized certification exam, the in-person capstone is the final requirement for candidates to earn the CPEL credential. The CPEL Capstone requires participation in one virtual session prior to attending a multi-day program at ASHP headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland. Each capstone is limited to 30 participants and is facilitated by accomplished CPELs with unique leadership experience and a passion for pharmacy leadership.

Each day features a case discussion with a different leadership scenario focused on the CPEL competencies. Participants will work in small groups to discuss each case and develop assigned deliverables. At the end of each day, the groups will reconvene to discuss their report with the cohort and facilitators. 

In addition to the case discussions, candidates will have opportunities to discuss ethical leadership dilemmas and other challenges with the cohort. 

Completion of a special project is not required for the capstone. Candidates will complete a leadership self-assessment survey and develop a professional development plan prior to attending the capstone. Candidates are responsible for the tuition fee and paying for their own travel and accommodation to participate in the capstone. Lunches and beverages are provided by ASHP.  (See fees below.)

Capstones are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Tentative capstone dates are below; additional sessions will be scheduled based on the total number of approved applicants.

Tentative Capstones at ASHP

  • September 22-24, 2025 (apply by July 15)
  • November 3-5, 2025 (apply by August 15)

The capstone is a collaborative experience, giving you an opportunity to:

  • Interact with other highly accomplished pharmacy leaders in similar situations and positions.
  • Discuss leadership ethical dilemmas and current challenges and opportunities.
  • Further develop your network to include highly competent leaders.

The capstone also provides an opportunity to develop a personal leadership professional development plan.

CPEL Certification Fees*

The CPEL certification is based on a 7 year cycle.  

Action  Fee  Details 
Application Fee  $0  There is no fee to apply. 
Capstone Fee  $500.00  For initial certification only. 
Annual Certification Fee** $150.00/year  Annual for the 7-year certification term 
Recertification Fee  $600.00  1x every 7 years to renew certification 

*Annual fee and recertification fee are subject to change.
**ASHP membership is required during certification term.

Request for Special Accommodations  
ASHP complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. No individual with a disability shall be deprived of the opportunity to participate solely because of a disability. ASHP will provide reasonable accommodation for a candidate with a disability who requests accommodation.