How To Apply

The CPEL application process is online, streamlined for your convenience, and includes the three easy steps below. There is no application fee.

Upcoming Tentative Capstones at ASHP

  • September 22-24, 2025 (apply by July 15)
  • November 3-5, 2025 (apply by August 15)
Step 1


Eligibility is based on the achievement of professional and leadership competencies and on-the-job experience. Below are the criteria to apply:

  • ASHP member with an unrestricted pharmacy license.
  • Minimum of 5 years post-residency progressive and sustained healthcare leadership experience including leading the organization's decisions involving operations, policies, and programs and services.
  • Current executive leader in a healthcare organization within the last 3 years that advances pharmacy practice and promotes positive patient outcomes. Candidate's current role must be responsible for leading people or programs/services and oversight and accountability for budgets/financial decisions and/or clinical outcomes for service line(s)/department(s). Criteria is inclusive of:
    •  Clinical leaders who lead and/or influence medication policy, quality initiatives, and other programs in multi-site or health system settings who have responsibility for delivering results across the organization;
    • Directors/chairs or leaders in other high-level positions in college/university departments are eligible. Those whose roles are limited to teaching are not eligible.
  • Achievement of the  leadership and professional competencies [PDF]. 
  • Uncompensated volunteerism in the past 2 years in healthcare-related organizations such as a charitable or professional organization (exclude precepting roles). 

Step 2


Gather necessary supporting materials for the online application including:

  • Copy of pharmacy license (JPEG acceptable) 
  • Resume/CV
  • Organization chart
  • References
    Attestation of your leadership experience and managerial oversight from a senior health- system executive including relationship to applicant and roles related to:
    • Participating in the pharmacy enterprise’s and health system’s strategic planning and decision-making processes at the most senior levels.
    • Collaborating with executives within and external to the health system to build cross- functional relationships and align services with initiatives such as quality metrics and financial performance.
    • Advancing patient care services through the promotion of pharmacy best practices by the creation and adoption of emerging technologies and innovative services.
    (2) affirming your leadership experience (one from a senior executive in your organization)
  • Draft responses to the online application questions

Download Request for References Template


Step 3


View the Application Instructions, including questions you will be asked to respond to, prior to applying.

Apply Now

Target Candidates
CPELs must have responsibility for leading people or programs/services and oversight and accountability for budgets/financial decisions and/or clinical outcomes for service line(s)/department(s). Eligible roles include but are not limited to system level executives including VA and managed care organizations, CPOs, C-suite executives, VPs, directors/department heads, service line leaders, multisite/system clinical leaders, faculty director/chair or other high-level position in college/university department. Others may be eligible if responsibilities meet criteria.

Candidates will be asked to share examples of leadership experience including: 

  • Collaborations with executive leaders and/or peer departments to build cross-functional relationships and align pharmacy services with quality outcomes and fiscal resource responsibility;
  • Leading and engaging in the organization's strategic planning for medication use and pharmacy services, or other organizational initiatives;
  • Influencing decisions at both the department and organizational level to create value (e.g., for quality and safety, medication use, pharmacy services, hospital and health system clinically and financially oriented programs/services (stewardship, disease-state, or population);
  • Influencing financial decisions using key financial indicators and analysis to generate, evaluate, and act on strategic opportunities involving operations, policies, and services;  
  • Advancing patient care by promoting pharmacy best practices and adopting emerging technologies and innovative services;
  • Leading people, including creating a culture that supports diversity, staff resilience, and wellbeing. 

Still Undecided?

Ask us to schedule a consultation with a current CPEL to discuss how it may benefit you. You can also hear perspectives directly from CPELs about why they chose to become certified. 

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