Get Involved
Reach Out to Your Legislators
Members of Congress want and need to hear from the people they represent about the issues that are important. Sending an email to your legislator can spark a relationship that will help build support for the provider status bills in Congress.
Your e-mail should:
- Identify yourself as constituent and a pharmacist who would like to serve as a resource on health care issues.
- Give a brief background on the role of pharmacists in hospitals and clinics and describe the specific services provided at your site.
- Emphasize the importance of provider status to student pharmacists. Need a template or language to help you get started? Visit the ASHP online advocacy center for an email template you can personalize.
Show Your Support on Social Media
We encourage you to post your support of provider status legislation on social media to help get the word out. You can include a personal note about why provider status matters to you as a way to promote the advocacy effort and encourage others to support the important issue of provider status. As students, your voice matters!
Need inspiration? Consider posting:
- On IPPE/APPE rotations
- Pharmacy Internship/Externship
- At your place of work
- Volunteering
- In your SSHP club, with other students, doing events to promote provider status
- A quick story on how you are about to send off your letter to your state legislator
- On a zoom call with a legislator
- With the legislator that visits your school or practice site
Sample Captions:
- “I’m proud to join with ASHP to build support for provider status legislation by sending letters to my legislators about the importance of pharmacist care to Medicare beneficiaries. Join me in taking action and reach out to your congressional representatives today – all it takes is a simple email.”
- “As a pharmacy student we urge Congress to cosponsor H.R. 2759 and S.1362 to remove needless Medicare restrictions that prevent seniors from accessing pharmacist care.”
- “I am a student pharmacist, and provider status means to me ____.”
- “Here is a picture of myself serving my community by _____.”
Tips to remember when posting:
- Tag ASHP
- Tag your legislator to bring awareness
- Tag your school and other classmates to repost so they also have the chance to be on our pag
- Include the following hashtags: #4OurPatients #PharminAction
- Include this link where they can take action immediately
Need an image for your post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. (This is a great option if you want to bring awareness without posting footage of yourself.)