Ways Your SSHP Can Get Involved
Bring Your Legislator to Campus
Invite a state or federal legislator to tour your campus and speak with your group during a SSHP meeting. The in-person tour will help the legislator and their staff get a better understanding of how a pharmacy education prepares student pharmacists for their patient care roles on the healthcare team.
Planning Tips:
- Begin your planning by reaching out to your state affiliate, faculty liaison, and other school leadership to make sure the visit fits in with the school’s larger advocacy priorities.
- Members of Congress are increasingly meeting with constituents using video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Consider planning a virtual visit and meeting which can give you access to legislators even if they are in session on Washington, D.C. or the state capital.
- Include the legislator’s staff members in the invitation. Educating staff members is very important, as they often have a great deal of influence on their boss’ thoughts about issues.
- Send ASHP and your state affiliate a report on the visit, including any pictures taken.
Plan a Phone Banking Event
Student phone banking is an activity where students talk directly to their members of Congress or congressional staff about a bill being considered. The conversations give you an opportunity to share your experiences and perspectives as a student pharmacist and let your representative know why a piece of legislation is important.
Here is how to set up your event. The process is simple:
- ASHP will provide you with a script, a target list of legislators’ offices to call, and their phone numbers;
- Assign interested members in your SSHP to call your legislator’s local of Washington, D.C. office (multiple people can reach out to the same member of Congress);
- Make your calls and influence some policy makers. This is a great way to get the word out about the importance of this effort and the urgent need to call your legislators. You can also consider partnering with other organizations to help you promote this action.
Sample Script
“Hello, my name is __________. I am a student pharmacist from (town or county). I am a constituent of Representative/Senator __________ (OR I serve patients from Representative/Senator ________’s district/state OR I am originally from Representative/Senator_______'s district/state).
I am calling to urge you to support Medicare coverage of the services pharmacists can provide to seniors. Pharmacists are trained to provide services like testing and treatment for diseases, including COVID-19. Many Medicaid and commercial insurers cover pharmacists' services, but the Medicare program does not. As a result, Medicare beneficiaries have less access to the needed care that pharmacists are licensed to provide in (YOUR STATE).
You can include a short, personal reason why you support the language (e.g., increasing access to care, improving outcomes, etc.). Keep it simple, positive, and be sure to emphasize the impact to patient care.
If Representative ______ has any questions regarding pharmacist provider status, they are welcome to contact me at _________ (optional) or ASHP's Government Relations office for more information.
Competitions and Challenges: Offer Incentives for Supporting the Cause
Everyone loves a good challenge. You can help drive support and encourage others to join the efforts by hosting a competition or challenge.
Potential Incentives and Prizes: free SSHP membership, shout out in newsletter or a shout out to the winner on social media
Challenge Option: #PharminAction photo challenge
- Challenge your classmates and other pharmacy students to post a photo of them while practicing pharmacy, learning in the classroom, out on rotation, or their work site. Anything to show that we are constantly working in multiple areas of pharmacy. In addition post about how, you are choosing to take action towards the provider status bill when writing letters or making phone calls. The person with the most likes wins a prize. Or, consider putting all names of those that participate in a hat and drawing a winner.
- Need more inspiration? Check out the social media examples below.
Get Social: Ways to Make Advocacy Fun
In Person
- Pizza and Policy: Set up a meet and greet with policy stakeholders and legislators to interact with student members. Have constructive conversations about policies and enjoy some pizza at the same time!
- Invite your pharmacy law professor to speak with your group: Since all pharmacy students may not have completed their pharmacy law class, this event can help your classmates better understand the advocacy process.
Virtual event ideas
- Letter Writing Campaign: Set up a virtual event with a set time (i.e., one hour) for SSHP members and others on campus to send emails to legislators asking for support of provider status legislation.
- Virtual Movie Night: Watch a movie or documentary like Miss Sloane or American President that features lobbyists. Discuss how the movie depicts the political process and how the system is similar or different to what your perceptions..