Frequently Asked Questions
ASHP SSHP Recognition Program FAQs
“Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy” (SSHP) is a general term used to describe campus-based student organizations that represent pharmacy hospital and health-system practice. Nationwide, these organizations exist as a variety of structures and names (e.g., The XYZ University Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy, The ABC University Student Chapter of the (insert your state name) Society of Health-System Pharmacists, The ABC Society of Pharmacy Students, etc.).
It has been a popular misconception that SSHPs are affiliated with, or chapters of, ASHP, but that is not the case. To form a direct relationship between ASHP and the student organization representing health-system pharmacy practice on your campus, you can pursue ASHP-SSHP Recognition.
Your SSHP may also choose to become a chapter or affiliate of your state's health-system organization (the ASHP state affiliate). To find the contact information for your state affiliate leaders visit our State Affiliate Directory.
If your school has an SSHP on more than one campus, it is your school's choice whether each campus would like to pursue ASHP-SSHP Recognition, or whether there should be one ASHP Recognized student society at your school.
In order for each campus to achieve ASHP Recognition independently, each would need to fulfill the requirements separately. There is one exception which is the Clinical Skills Competition. The campuses with SSHPs need to collaborate to complete the school-level competition and select one winning team for the national competition.
The contact information for each ASHP state affiliate organization president and executive (if one exists) is listed on our State Affiliate Directory.
Each year, it is encouraged that SSHPs plan an innovative Professional Development project that aligns with ASHP’s Strategic Priorities and Goals. SSHPs are not limited in the type of project they can submit to satisfy this requirement. Many SSHPs currently participate in annual symposia, health fairs, poison prevention efforts, outreach efforts, and other activities. As long as these programs align with the ASHP Strategic Plan, SSHPs are able to apply the projects towards their Professional Development Project requirement, although it is strongly encouraged that these programs are expanded, improved, or changed from year to year.
Please also note that participation in programs that are organized by other national pharmacy organizations cannot be considered to fulfill this requirement, as it has to be an SSHP-driven initiative.
Each program developed to fulfill the membership, career development, or professional development project criteria for official recognition is mutually exclusive and may not be used to fulfill multiple requirements. For example, if an SSHP organizes a residency panel event to fulfill the Career Development requirement “coordinate at least one informational session on residency training”, this project cannot also be applied toward the Career Development requirement “coordinate at least two events featuring speakers representing health-system practice”. A separate event must be executed to fulfill the second requirement.
However, the requirements for collaboration with state affiliates and incorporation of PAI in programming may be embedded in multiple programs and events.
ASHP encourages but does not require organization of a school-level Clinical Skills Competition for new SSHPs at institutions that do not yet have student pharmacists enrolled in their final two years of professional education. However, there are many benefits to holding the competition, including clinical skill building, valuable practice for future competitions, and a complimentary student registration to the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting for both members of the SSHP winning team to compete at the national level competition.
If your SSHP chooses not to hold a school-level competition, please clearly indicate in your application that your institution does not have student pharmacists enrolled in their final two years of professional education so we may waive the requirement.
Yes. Requirements for recognition must be met each year to receive yearly recognition. For continued recognition, submission of the above items is required no later than the published deadline of June 30.
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About ASHP
We represent pharmacists who serve as patient care providers in acute and ambulatory settings.