Diversion Prevention
Controlled substances diversion in health systems can lead to serious patient safety issues, harm to the diverter, and significant liability risk to the organization. Diversion puts patients at risk of harm, directly or indirectly, including inadequate relief of pain, inaccurate documentation of their care in the medical record, exposure to infectious diseases from contaminated needles and drugs, and impaired healthcare worker performance. In addition to patient harm, there are regulatory and legal risks to the organization, including fraudulent billing and liability for resulting damages, and decreased community confidence in the healthcare system.
ASHP Controlled Substances Diversion Prevention Program Assessment Tool
The ASHP Controlled Substances Diversion Prevention Program (CSDPP) Assessment Tool serves as a practical resource to help organizations determine how their site aligns with the best practice recommendations provided in the ASHP Guidelines on Preventing Diversion of Controlled Substances. Upon completion of the gap assessment, the results identify areas for improvement and allow the user to develop an action plan for their organization.
Diversion Prevention Resources
- ASHP Controlled Substances Diversion Prevention Guidelines (w/ Self-Assessment Guide) (AJHP)
- Centralizing a controlled substance compliance and drug diversion prevention program within a multihospital health system (AJHP)
- National Hospital and Health-System Controlled Substances Drug Diversion Prevention & Surveillance Program Assessment Survey - 2021 (AJHP)
- Controlled substance diversion in health systems: a failure modes and effects analysis for prevention (AJHP)
- Risks of controlled substance drug diversion (AJHP)
- Detecting drug diversion in health-system data using machine learning and advanced analytics (AJHP)
- Pharmacist’s Manual – DEA Diversion Control Division
- Quick Safety – Drug Diversion and Impaired Healthcare Workers (TJC)
- Drug Diversion (HHS)
- Drug Diversion Division (DEA)
- Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP) (CDC)
- Mitigating Drug Diversion in Ambulatory Procedural Areas (March 2022)
- Back to Basics: Perspectives from a CRNA on Preventing Drug Diversion (February 2022)
ASHP Webinars and Podcasts
- Controlled Substances Diversion: Creating a Value Proposition for All (podcast)
- Drug Diversion Prevention - Strategies on Engaging the Interprofessional Team (podcast)
- Life Cycle of Diversion Prevention Software Implementation (webinar)
- MCM 2022: Rise of the Machine: Empowering a Diversion Monitoring Program Using Machine Learning (podcast)
- Mind the Gaps: Update on Best Practice Guidance to Mitigate Controlled Substance Diversion (webinar)