Informatics Preceptor Toolkit: Overview of various forms of Clinical Decision Support and guidance on considerations for balancing information and recommendations
Foundational Knowledge
- ASHP Guidelines on the Design of Database Driven Clinical Decision Support: Strategic Directions for Drug Database and Electronic Health Records Vendors
- What is Clinical Decision Support (CDS)?
- An overview of clinical decision support systems: benefits, risks, and strategies for success
- Clinical Decision Support Definition and Resources
- A framework for evaluating the appropriateness of clinical decisions support alerts and responses
Supplementary Resources
- ASHP Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology CDS Resource Center
- Efficacy and unintended consequences of hard-stop alerts in electronic health record systems: a systematic review
Additional Reading
- Improving Outcomes with Clinical Decision Support: An Implementer's Guide, Second Edition
- Medication safety alert fatigue may be reduced via interaction design and clinical role tailoring: a systematic review
- Preventing potentially inappropriate medication use in hospitalized older patients with a computerized provider order entry warning system
- Development and use of active clinical decision support for preemptive pharmacogenomics