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Madison Northington


Madison Northington

Madison Northington


Auburn University Harrison College of Pharamcy

Graduation Year: 2025

Reasons for selecting pharmacy:

When answering the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” as a child, I was always quick to share that I wanted to become a doctor one day. Little did I know, I would be pursuing a career as a doctor of pharmacy. As I completed my undergraduate studies, I quickly developed a passion for medicine, making a tangible difference in the lives of others, intellectual challenge, and interacting and connecting with others. After witnessing the wide array of career opportunities within pharmacy, observing the integral role of pharmacists within interdisciplinary teams, and recognizing the profound impact they have on patient health outcomes, I became certain that pharmacy was the career path I wanted to pursue. 

Professional Interests:

  • Oncology
  • Critical Care
  • Academia

Interest in the PSF Executive Committee:

Early in my pharmacy studies, I became involved in my local SSHP chapter. After serving as the chapter’s P1 Representative and having the privilege of networking with pharmacists and student pharmacists across the state, I knew I wanted my affiliation with ASHP to be lifelong. In my P2 and P3 year, I served on ASHP’s Residency Preparation Advisory Group as a Work Group Lead followed by Vice Chair. After an enriching experience collaborating with and learning from student pharmacists across the nation, I desired to serve in a larger capacity. I hope to foster relationships and opportunities for student pharmacists to grow personally and professionally in the same way that I have had the pleasure of experiencing. It is one of my greatest honors to serve as a member of the PSF Executive Committee, and I cannot wait for an incredible year!

How being a member of ASHP has assisted in my personal and professional development:

ASHP has equipped me with a vast amount of resources and provided various learning and networking opportunities to advance my career. With my sights set on pursuing a residency position post-graduation, I applied for and was appointed as a member of the Residency Preparation Advisory Group in my P2 year. One of my favorite projects involved working alongside my peers to create a guide for students to be able to better navigate the ASHP Residency Directory. Not only did I learn more about the Residency Directory, but I learned more about and grew closer to my peers as well. This is just one example in the multitude of opportunities ASHP has provided me with. Being involved in ASHP has helped me grow, and challenged me in ways I would not have otherwise, and for that I am forever grateful.

Goals for the year as a PSFEC Member:

  • Foster collaboration among SSHP chapters to create synergies and maximize resources for events and initiatives.
  • Promote ASHP resources that will enhance student professional development such as the Career Resources Center, Student Residency Resource Center, Guided Mentorship Program, and more.
  • Encourage ASHP student involvement at a local, state, and national level.
  • Effectively communicate and collaborate with the PSFAG for which I will be serving as an EC liaison and foster a safe and productive working environment.

Fun Fact:

I have stung by a stingray. Also, I am pickleball and coffee obsessed. I could not pick just one! 

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