Program Roles and Expectations

All program participants are expected to:

  • Be committed to the mentorship program and dedicate a minimum of six hours (one hour per month) for the six month duration to engage in one-on-one mentorship activities
  • Develop a strong mentorship relationship built on trust and open communication
  • Be respectful and professional in all communications and interactions
  • Establish clear lines of communications and respond in a timely manner
  • Maintain mutual respect, honesty, confidence, and receptiveness to learning
  • Maintain confidentiality in any personal information shared

Specific Mentee Responsibilities:

  • Identify and communicate the skills, knowledge, and/or goals you want to achieve
  • Take initiative to outline the expectations of the mentorship relationship, including coordinating meetings and maintaining a regular schedule, agenda, and action plan
  • Be open and responsive to new ideas and ways of thinking, feedback, constructive criticism, and coaching from Mentor
  • Listen to Mentor’s feedback and suggestions, evaluate the advice and guidance, and take action

Specific Mentor Responsibilities:

  • Act as confidante, supporter, advocate, and/or guide to Mentee
  • Set a professional tone and ensure a safe and supportive environment
  • Ask questions and engage in active listening with Mentee
  • Challenge Mentee to move beyond their comfort zone and engage in new modes of thinking and/or problem solving
  • Facilitate Mentee’s professional/personal development, goal achievement, and career growth by sharing resources and information, professional networks, personal experiences, and general feedback