Program Benefits
The Guided Mentorship Program aims to serve members in the pharmacy profession who are seeking advice and guidance (Mentees) as well as more experienced practitioners who are looking for opportunities to engage with ASHP and give back to the profession (Mentors). The overall goal is to create mutually beneficial relationships built on trust and respect that foster the professional and personal growth and development of both mentees and mentors.
Mentee Benefits
- Receive guidance and feedback from an experienced pharmacy professional
- Connect with a practitioner who shares common interests, backgrounds, and/or experiences
- Enhance professional development skills
- Build and refine professional identity
- Grow and expand your professional network
Mentor Benefits
- Help shape the future of the pharmacy workforce and profession
- Obtain personal satisfaction and give back to the pharmacy community
- Develop transformational leadership capacities and key skills related to coaching, management, and active listening
- Enhance reputation and professional identity
- Grow and expand your professional network
Program Highlights
- Cost: Free to ASHP Members
- Duration: 6 months
- Time Commitment: One-hour minimum per month
- Structure: One-on-one relationship
- Mentees: Student Pharmacists or New Practitioners
- Mentors: Experienced practitioners in all areas of pharmacy practice