Career Profile
Primary Specialty: Academia; Other Specialties: Inpatient Care
Education and Advanced Training
I received my BS in Pharmacy in 1993 and my Doctor of Pharmacy in 2005 from Ohio Northern University. I have practiced full-time in a variety of hospital pharmacy settings and employment roles before joining the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Pharmacy (NEOUCOP) in 2007. I have worked in small rural institutions, mid-size urban institutions and a large level-one metropolitan trauma center. During these years I served in many frontline pharmacy roles and worked all three shifts (days, afternoons, and nights) on a regular basis. I have served much of my career in frontline pharmacy roles but I have always worked diligently to expand not only the role but the expectations of these more traditional roles both within and outside of the department of pharmacy. I received my certification in Antithrombotic Therapy through the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Education and Research Foundation Antithrombotic Therapy Traineeship in 2007 and led the implementation of an inpatient pharmacist driven warfarin dosing service at Kettering Medical Center.
Type of Patient Population Served
I am currently a full-time faculty member and spend a significant amount of my time educating, advising and mentoring future pharmacists. I continue to work as a resource pharmacist for a local (level-one trauma center) teaching hospital and find this vitally important to my professional growth in order to maintain that pharmacy practice component to the pharmacy education courses that I am intimately involved with.
Roles and Responsibilities
In my current role at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Pharmacy, I provide direction for the pharmaceutics laboratory and a parenteral product with laboratory course as well as oversight of professionalism issues for students and the College. I serve as a clinical practice advisor for the college of pharmacy Professional Development Advising Teams as well as numerous university and community committees. I also serve as a faculty advisor for the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists, the Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International and Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society organizations.
How I Got to Where I Am Today
I have been extremely fortunate to have met and created numerous lasting relationships through my active involvement in professional pharmacy organizations especially ASHP. It is because of these relationships that I am where I am today. The relationships that you are able to make and build with colleagues throughout your lifetime and career will continue to be a key component in your professional success. I am living proof of your career advancement can be directly linked to the professional relationships that you make and keep.
Advice for Students Pursuing This Career Path
Academia is an incredibly rewarding career. It has a plethora of opportunities for both personal and professional growth. I would suggest that academia challenges you to continually find ways to improve yourself on some many levels. Spending time with future pharmacy professionals and assisting them in pushing themselves to be the best professional they can be is unbelievably fulfilling.
Professional Organizations Outside Daily Job Responsibilities
I am active in local, state, and national pharmacy organizations having served in numerous roles. I am a past president of the Dayton Area Society of Health-System Pharmacists as well as the Ohio Society of Health-System Pharmacists (OSHP). I am a past Director of Organizational Affairs Division of OSHP and currently continue to serve as a division member of Organizational Affairs. I am a Past Chair of the ASHP Section of Inpatient Care Practitioners, as well as a current member of the Sections Advisory Group for Pharmacy Practice Experiences and the Sections Committee on Nominations. I also serve the Section of Clinical Specialists and Scientists on their Preceptor Skills Development Section Advisory Group. I have served on the ASHP Council on Professional Affairs (now known as the ASHP Council on Pharmacy Practice), the ASHP Membership Development Advisory Group, the ASHP Foundation Development Committee, the ASHP FASHP Recognition Committee, currently serve on the ASHP Council on Education and Workforce Development and have served as an Ohio Delegate in the ASHP House of Delegates since 2004. I was recognized as an ASHP Fellow in June 2009 and with the ASHP Distinguish Service Award for the Section of Inpatient Care Practitioners in December 2009. I currently serve as the President of the Akron Area Society of Health-System Pharmacists. I also serve as Chair of the Public and Professional Relations Committee for the Ohio Pharmacist Association and have served on the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy ad hoc Rules Review Committee in 2009 and 2010.
Contact Information
You can reach me by e-mail at: [email protected]

Conferences, meetings, workshops, and recertification courses for pharmacy professionals