A collection of guidelines is maintained by the National Kidney Foundation and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes and includes recommendations on the following common disease states:
KDIGO: Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes
Includes the following guidelines:
- 2021 - Blood Pressure in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- 2020 - Diabetes in CKD
- 2018 - Hepatitis C in CKD
- 2017 - CKD – Bone and Mineral Disorders
- 2013 - Lipids in CKD
- 2012 - Acute Kidney Injury
- 2012 - Anemia in CKD
- 2009 - Transplant
NKF KDOQI: National Kidney Foundation: Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative
Includes the following guidelines:
- 2020 - Dialysis, Hepatitis, Nutrition in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- 2017 - Bone Metabolism in CKD
- 2017 - Hepatitis C in CKD
- 2012 - Acute Kidney Injury
- 2012 - Anemia in CKD
- 2012 - Cardiovascular Disease in CKD
- 2012 - Diabetes in CKD
- 2012 - Glomerulonephritis
- 2009 - Transplant
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