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Nathan Falls

Nathan Falls

Pharm.D. Candidate, 2023


Mercer University College of Pharmacy

Atlanta, GA

When did you first join ASHP?

I first joined ASHP during my second year as a pharmacy student. After being involved with my state's affiliate chapter, I learned of all the wonderful opportunities that ASHP offered students and I knew I wanted to become involved.

What is your current involvement with the ASHP Pharmacy Student Forum (i.e. advisory group or executive committee appointment)?

I currently serve as the Vice Chair of the Pharmacy Student Forum Residency Preparation Advisory Group.

What is your favorite part of your ASHP student membership? What has been most beneficial about being a student member of ASHP?

My favorite part of ASHP student membership has been getting to work with pharmacy students from across the country and being a part of something much larger than myself. The networking opportunities and leadership skills that you learn have been very beneficial, and something I hope to carry with me throughout my career.

What is your favorite memory from an ASHP event, project, or program?

My favorite ASHP memory has been getting to know and work with my future colleagues. Being selected for the ASHP Student Leadership Award has also been the highlight of my pharmacy school career thus far.

What advice do you have for pharmacy students seeking to become involved in national organizations?

You just have to put yourself out there, and actively seek out small opportunities that may turn into big ones down the road.

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