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Nichole Foster

Nicole Foster

M.B.A., M.Ed., CPhT, 6 years of service

Program Director, Advancement and Pharmacy Tech Training Program

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Nashville, TN

Why I do what I do:
I believe technicians are capable of so much and have unlimited potential. Advancing the careers and career opportunities for Pharmacy Technicians is my passion. I am very lucky to get to incorporate it into my daily job. I am very blessed to have an employer that saw the potential in me and for this role and allowed me to pursue it.

Latest Accomplishment:
First technician recipient of ASHP Distinguished Service Award.

Most Memorable Experience as a Pharmacy Technician:
I would say my second week staffing in the inpatient pharmacy at VUMC, we had a horrible ice storm roll in, and TN was not prepared. I wound up staying in Nashville with a colleague for 3 days and pulled some of the longest, most fulfilling shifts of my career. I was learning so much every day, as I was brand new, and this trial by fire helped shape my career path.

Why I Became Certified?
I honestly took my first pharmacy job as “a job to get through college” until I could get a “real adult job”. I then got certified to get the pay raise. I was 18 and very unaware of what it meant and how it would shape my future.

My Passion Outside of Work or Hobbies:
I have almost 5-year-old boy-girl twins that along with my dog and husband fill my time. However, in 2018 I started doing CrossFit at CrossFit Gallatin, where I live, and it has been life changing. I have discovered a thirst for fitness, lifting heavy weights, and helping others along their fitness journeys.

Latest Book Read:
I am currently reading A Promised Land by Barrack Obama. He is very inspiring to me.

Advice to Up-and-Coming Technicians:
Know your worth. This can be a very rewarding and lifelong career that will shape who you are and can be. Gain all the knowledge you can about many facets of pharmacy and NEVER let anyone discourage you from pursuing a true passion.

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