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Morgan Bridwell-Fields

Morgan Bridwell-Fields

PharmD, BCPS

Medication Management and Safety Manager

Marshall Health Network

Huntington, WV

Morgan Bridwell-Fields is the medication management and safety manager at Marshall Health Network in Huntington, West Virginia. Morgan completed a postgraduate year 1 residency at St. Mary’s Medical Center after receiving her PharmD from Marshall University School of Pharmacy. She currently serves as a member of the NPF Clinical Practice Advisory Group.

Professional Interests
My professional interests include critical care, anticoagulation, and medication reconciliation/transitions of care. One area of pharmacy I am most passionate about is cardiology. I love the intricacy of the heart, how it affects hemodynamics, and how our medications in turn affect hemodynamics.

Why did you become involved in ASHP?
I initially became involved as a student for networking purposes. I continue to be involved because of networking and education opportunities!

What would you tell others if asked how to get involved with ASHP?
Join online! Subscribe to a community online. It's the easiest way to connect with other pharmacists in your specialty. You may also have a burning question answered or may be able to help someone else!

What unique characteristics do you bring to your everyday work or the pharmacy profession?
I have inpatient technician, intern, resident, and clinical specialist experience. I can see a lot of problems that the pharmacy faces from multiple levels.

What are some of your interests or hobbies outside of pharmacy?
CrossFit, biking, and baking. A fun fact about me is that I’m a cycling instructor. 

What advice would you give to other new practitioners?
Keep an open mind, you may fall in love with something new!