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Elizabeth Laughlin

Elizabeth Laughlin

Binghamton University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Graduation Year: 2021

Reasons for selecting pharmacy:

I was first introduced to pharmacy as a career choice when I accepted a job at a local pharmacy during high school. The experience of a small, hospital affiliated community pharmacy showed me what a pharmacist does behind the scenes and opened my eyes to what has now been a 14-year journey to becoming a pharmacist. During this journey, I have personally experienced the triumphs and failures of modern medicine which has only inspired me to advocate for changes that could help another family like mine in the future. For me, pharmacy has always been about the unique ability to care for patients and their loved ones. 

Professional Interests:

  • Ambulatory Care 
  • Cardiology 
  • Diabetes 

Interest in the PSF Executive Committee:

Upon acceptance to pharmacy school, I was given one directive by my mentor and that was to get involved. I quickly accepted this challenge with acceptance on the executive board of the SSHP at Binghamton University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and ultimately the development of the first student society on campus. I was then fortunate to be offered a position as the student member on the executive board of our local state affiliate, Southern Tier Society of Health Systems Pharmacists. It was here that I was introduced to advocacy and how vital it is to being able to practice at the top of my license. This new passion is what led me to seek a national position. As students, I think it is easy to forget that what we fight for now will only benefit us in the future, making involvement in advocacy movements now an obligation. The Pharmacy Student Forum Executive Committee presents an opportunity to inspire other students throughout the country to advocate for change in order to provide the best care for our patients.

How being a member of ASHP has assisted in my personal and professional development:

ASHP membership has helped tremendously in my journey toward personal and professional growth. ASHP resources were vital to myself and other students in the chartering of our first student society on campus and continue to be a resource as we grow into a sustainable club. In addition to the resources offered online, the opportunity to attend leadership and development sessions at conferences has improved my networking skills and taught me important lessons about what being a leader means.

Goals for the year as a PSFEC Member:

  • Empower students to advocate for the improvement of patient care through the advancement of pharmacy practice
  • Increase communication between SSHP chapters nationwide to help support new chapters and provide networking opportunities
  • Motivate students to seek leadership opportunities and to advance their leadership skills
  • Provide programming and resources to help students navigate the residency process

Fun Fact: For fun I play  Prop for our local rugby team, the Lady Barbarians.