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Sara Loftus

Sara Loftus

Sara E Loftus

Northeast Ohio Medical University

College of Pharmacy

Graduation Year: 2020

How and why I became interested in being appointed to the Pharmacy Student Forum Executive Committee

I became interested in ASHP after an amazing two years of being involved with Northeast Ohio Medical School (NEOMED) Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists (SSHP). The people that I have met and the opportunities that were given to me because of ASHP has lead me to want to become more involved at the national level. Their commitment to advancing the practice of pharmacy and empowering leaders within pharmacy is inspiring. They also see the value of having students sit at the table and help make decisions, which is the main reason I was interested in being appointed to the Pharmacy Student Forum Executive Committee. I am very excited to collaborate with other student pharmacists and see what innovative ideas and projects we can integrate for student pharmacists and pharmacists across the country.

Professional interests

  • Ambulatory care
  • Internal Medicine
  • Academia
  • Pediatrics

How being a member of ASHP has assisted in my personal and professional development

I am so grateful that NEOMED encourages its students to become involved with organizations, and for the faculty who go above and beyond for their students. I owe so much to ASHP for the countless opportunities and the great network of people that I have had the pleasure to meet. It is because of my mentors who are ASHP members that I am able to have this honorary position on the Student Forum, and I will continue to ask them for guidance even after pharmacy school. Through ASHP, I have found a passion for leadership and pushing for the advancement of pharmacy practice by having leadership positions with NEOMED’s SSHP, organizing PAI week, creating our PAI video, attending legislative days, and many other ways. ASHP has so much to offer, and I am thankful I chose to be a part of such an awesome organization during my first year of pharmacy school. 

Goals for the year as a PSFEC Member

  • Increase engagement of student pharmacists at the state and national level
  • Empower students to advocate for the advancement of pharmacy practice
  • Become a resource for students who have questions about ASHP
  • Motivate student pharmacists to become leaders and enhance their leadership skills

Fun fact

I love being a dog mom to my husky Nevaeh

Contact email 

[email protected]