MOST MEMORABLE ASHP MOMENT: Meeting with senators and representatives during ASHP Legislative Day in Washington, DC.

MOST MEMORABLE ASHP MOMENT: Meeting with senators and representatives during ASHP Legislative Day in Washington, DC.
A career in pharmacy was a natural fit for Roger Woolf, Pharm.D., FASHP. “Several members in my extended family were in healthcare-related occupations, and I shared their passion for contributing positively to their patients’ lives,” said Roger, who joined ASHP during his first year of pharmacy school.
Now the Administrative Director and Chief Pharmacy Officer at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, Wash., he plays an active role in promoting pharmacists as providers. “I participated in the passage of a law in Washington that recognizes pharmacists as providers, requires insurers to include pharmacists in provider networks, and ensures they are paid for services provided,” said Roger.
One of his most memorable ASHP moments was being part of Legislative Week in Washington, DC. “I had the chance to meet individually with senators and representatives to share our priorities for pharmacy practice,” he said. “This had a significant impact on me, as it demonstrated that my single voice could be heard and, hopefully, have an impact on how our government views healthcare legislature.”
Roger has served several terms as a delegate in the ASHP House of Delegates. He was a member and Chair of the Council on Pharmacy Management (2015–2017) and is currently a member of the Section Advisory Group on Multi-Hospital Pharmacy Executives.