ASHP's Forum and Section Advisory Groups and Committees offer you the best way to participate with ASHP and colleagues who share the same interests.
Applications are accepted annually from February through May 1. The appointment process and selection is conducted by the respective Forum and Section Executive Committee Chair at the Pharmacy Futures Meeting in June and all appointed members will be notified early to mid-summer. The appointment term is 1-year with the option to resubmit the following year should you choose to continue participation.
Click on the links below to learn more about the Forum Advisory Groups and Committees.
- Pharmacy Student Forum (PSF)
- New Practitioners Forum (NPF)
The following items will need to be submitted with Forum applications only:
- Statement of interest (250 words or less)
- Note: For individuals interested in serving as a Forum Advisory Group Chair, you will be prompted to submit a CV and briefly address your leadership style in the application.
Please send any questions to [email protected] or [email protected].
Pharmacy Practice Sections
Click on the links below to learn more about the Section Advisory Groups and Committees, and the Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residents' Collaborative.
Please send any questions to [email protected].
Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residents' Collaborative (PALRC)
- Leadership and Workgroups
- PALRC Overview
- Note: For this group you will be asked to submit: a Statement of Interest in the group, and (if requesting a leadership position) your CV and a statement addressing your leadership style and meeting management skills.
Section of Ambulatory Care Practitioners (SACP)
Section of Clinical Specialists and Scientists (SCSS)
Section of Community Pharmacy Practitioners (SCPP)
Section of Digital and Telehealth Practitioners (SDTP)
Section of Inpatient Care Practitioners (SICP)
Section of Pharmacy Educators (SPE)
Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology (SOPIT)
Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (SPPL)
Section of Specialty Pharmacy Practitioners (SSPP)