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AJHP Call for Abstracts - Medication-Use Process

AJHP invites the submission of abstracts for a future AJHP theme issue on the impact of pharmacy departments on the medication-use process (MUP). Dr. Stephen Eckel (Associate Professor and Associate Dean, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy) and Dr. Rita Jew (Associate Clinical Professor, UCSF School of Pharmacy) will serve as the guest editors for this theme issue. The editors are interested in abstracts that describe programs or interventions involving activities and initiatives by pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy departments to optimize steps of the medication-use process, including prescribing, dispensing, medication administration, and ongoing monitoring. Abstracts should (1) be limited to 500 words; (2) describe an innovative program related to the MUP with measured clinical, safety, economic, and/or humanistic outcomes; (3) describe the roles of pharmacy department members and other healthcare providers; and (4) provide an overview of strategies used to overcome barriers to program implementation. The editors are particularly interested in abstracts that refer to all steps of the MUP and describe programs or initiatives in which the pharmacist and pharmacy department are central participants.

Abstracts, with cover letters, should be submitted by email to [email protected]. The cover letter should include complete contact information for the corresponding author, including his or her email address. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit a full-length descriptive report about their program to AJHP for publication consideration. The invited full-length manuscripts will be subject to peer review.

Authors of abstracts submitted by November 15, 2020, will have the best chance of being invited to submit full-length manuscripts for possible inclusion in the theme issue.

Questions about abstract or manuscript submission should be directed to the journal’s editorial staff at 301-664-8661 or [email protected].