REMA THYAGARAJAN, PharmD, MBA, BCPS ([email protected]) is the System Director of Pharmacy for Ambulatory Services at Baylor Scott and White Health (BSWH). Rema graduated from UT Austin College of Pharmacy in 2006 and completed her PGY1 residency at Baylor University Medical Center in 2007. Immediately after her residency, she was employed by Baylor University Medical Center as a staff pharmacist. Since 2007, Rema has progressed into management/leadership roles serving as a Clinical Coordinator/Manager, Director of Pharmacy, and then finally System Director of Pharmacy. Rema decided to move from the inpatient System Clinical Director role to the ambulatory space approximately two years ago since it provided a growth opportunity and a new learning experience for her. In her current role, Rema is responsible for implementing pharmacist embedded clinics to improve patient care and realize potential revenue from capturing specialty scripts for Baylor owned retail pharmacies. Rema also oversees BSWH’s accountable care organization for transitions of care, medication adherence/compliance, and shared savings measures. Rema has been an active member of ASHP since starting pharmacy school in 2002. She was a member of the Student Forum Executive Committee from 2004-2005 and served as the Chair of the Student Forum Executive Committee from 2005-2006. She is also a current member of the Section of Community Pharmacy Practitioner’s Executive Committee.
As someone who has worked in both inpatient and outpatient settings, I have seen the meaningful impact that pharmacists can make in both areas. While we do an amazing job in our individual silos, we often fail to provide continuum of care. I am passionate about transitions of care and I strongly believe that all areas of pharmacy (inpatient, ambulatory, community, specialty, health plan, and others) can work together to provide the optimal care that a patient needs to improve health, medication access and affordability. This in turn will improve medication adherence, reduce re-admissions, and increase overall health outcomes for our patients. I have been fortunate to be a member of the Executive Committee of ASHP’s newly formed Section of Community Pharmacy Practitioners this past year. We have accomplished major milestones over the past year. Some of these include establishing top priorities in community-based practice, developing a strategic plan for our Section, creating mission and vision statements, and beginning a collaboration with the Section of Ambulatory Care Practitioners. I have gained invaluable insight as a member on this committee, and I would like to continue this journey by serving as Chair and Immediate Past Chair for the 2022-2024 term. As the Chair, I will strive to increase our collaboration with the Section of Ambulatory Care Practitioners and find innovative ideas that will help improve transitions of care across our healthcare continuum. I am both humbled and honored to be slated as a nominee for this position.