Molly J. Billstein Leber, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, FASHP ([email protected]), is the a ssociate d irector of d rug u se p olicy, s trategic sourcing and p rocurement at Yale New Haven Health in New Haven, Connecticut. Her oversight includes d rug u se p olicy, f ormulary management, and pharmaceutical sourcing for inpatient and retail settings. This oversight includes budget mitigation, safety initiatives, regulatory compliance, and payment controls. Previously, she practiced as a critical care pharmacist in medical, surgical, and neurosurgical ICUs.
Leber received her PharmD degree from the University of Montana and completed a PGY1 residency at Yale New Haven Hospital. Leber has also completed the ASHP Pharmacy Leadership Academy (PLA) and received her Master's of Business Administration from New England College.
Leber has been an active member of ASHP for over 20 years. Currently, she serves as a member of the Section of Inpatient Care Practitioners (SICP) Advisory Group (SAG on Medication Management and a delegate to the ASHP House of Delegates. Past service includes SICP SAGs on Medication Safety, Small and Rural Hospitals, and Advancing Pharmacy Practice with Technicians, as well as service to the New Practitioners Forum. She was previously the SICP d irector-at- large. She has been an appointed member to the Council on Pharmacy Practice, Council on Education and Workforce Development, and the ASHP Committee on Nominations. She has also served as a moderator and presenter at multiple Midyear Clinical Meetings. Leber has also supported the development of several ASHP Guidelines and is recognized as a Fellow of ASHP.
Leber holds other leadership roles nationally and has served on the board of the Connecticut Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
As an active member at the local, state, and national levels, I have had the privilege of observing how ASHP can successfully address challenges and promote opportunities for pharmacy in a constantly changing healthcare landscape. Hospitals continue to face payment cutbacks and strict mandates to improve the quality of healthcare provided. Frontline pharmacists are managing a record number of drug shortages, ensuring regulatory compliance, and managing complex medication regimens, all while facing numerous other challenges.
Despite the numerous distractions that pharmacists face, we must continue to pursue opportunities to increase the focus on patient-centered and team-based care. We must be proactive in identifying these gaps and expanding our roles as healthcare providers to fill them. We must ensure that the pharmacy workforce is practicing at the top of their license and leveraging technology to improve efficiency. As the healthcare landscape continues to change, we must adapt and evolve to meet the needs of our patients and ensure that we are providing them with the best possible care.
By supporting inpatient pharmacist roles and sharing our successes and barriers, we can provide consistent and comprehensive pharmaceutical care for all patients. This is critical to the advancement of the pharmacy profession and local pharmacy departments, and most importantly, improved patient care.
It is a great honor to be nominated for the position of chair. I look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead as healthcare continues to change. I welcome the opportunity to serve you!