In this ASHP podcast, Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program Directors provide valuable insight on the role of Personnel Placement Services (PPS) and how to effectively prepare for industry interviews at Midyear. Find out how to navigate the fellowship recruitment process at Midyear and hear strategies on how to succeed.
Carolyn Seyss (she/her) has an extensive background in the pharmaceutical industry, holding various leadership positions in both medical information and regulatory promotional review. The one constant throughout her career is her connection to the Rutgers Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship (RPIF) Program. Her industry career path started with her industry experiential rotations as a pharmacy student at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, followed by her fellowship with Rutgers and Bristol-Myers Squibb. She led the Rutgers/Bristol-Myers Squibb Fellowship for over a decade and was a key stakeholder for the Rutgers/Acorda Therapeutics Fellowship for over 5 years. Seyss is now the director of the RPIF Fellowship Program and enjoys building the foundations of future pharmaceutical industry leaders while continuing her own development.
Amy Heck Sheehan (she/her) is a professor of pharmacy practice and director of postgraduate industry-affiliated fellowship programs, College of Pharmacy, Purdue University, and drug information specialist at Indiana University (IU) Health. She received her B.S. and PharmD degrees from the University of Cincinnati and completed a specialized residency in drug information practice and pharmacotherapy at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD. Sheehan's practice site is the IU Health Center for Medication Management, where she precepts pharmacy students, residents, and fellows and is involved in the provision of comprehensive drug information services for all IU Health-affiliated hospitals within the state. Sheehan established the Indiana Pharmacy Teaching Certificate (IPTeC) Program and continues to serve as a member of the IPTeC Executive Committee.
Gabrielle (Ellie) DeGagne (she/her) is a fourth-year pharmacy student at the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Throughout her education, she has been an active advocate and leader within CU-PediatRx, SSHP, and Phi Lambda Sigma. Ellie’s post-doctoral aspirations include pursuing a pharmaceutical industry fellowship within regulatory affairs. Ellie’s involvement in student organizations has enhanced her education and fueled her passion to advocate for the profession of pharmacy as a student and pharmacist.