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ISMP Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices for Hospitals #15 - Considerations for Extended-release and Long-acting Opioids

Broadcast Date: September 8, 2021


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Experts will discuss strategies for meeting the several aspects of the ISMP Opioid Best Practice, including:

  • Identifying and documenting the patient’s opioid status (Tolerant vs Naive)
  • Mitigating issues regarding unsafe prescribing and storage of Fentanyl patches
  • Defaulting to the lowest starting dose of long-acting opioids
  • Alerting prescribers of pertinent dose adjustments



Eli DealEli Deal, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS, CPPS is the BJC Director, Medication Safety & Effectiveness in St. Louis, MO. Eli completed the Pharmacotherapy pharmacy residency training at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and has served as an internal medicine clinical pharmacy specialist for 15 years and most recently in a leadership role supporting and promoting medication safety at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

Joel DanielJoel W Daniel, PharmD, MS, CPPS serves as System Medication Safety Pharmacist for CoxHealth in southwest Missouri.  CoxHealth consists of six hospitals with associated regional clinics and surgical centers.  Dr. Daniel’s primary work focuses on protecting patients and staff from complexity in healthcare by streamlining quality improvement within medication management (examples: system-wide anaphylaxis protocols, leading and maintaining a 50% reduction in opioid harms, and addressing alert fatigue).   

Paul MilliganDr. Paul Milligan has been the System Medication Safety Pharmacist for BJC HealthCare, a diverse 12 hospital system located in St. Louis, Missouri and Clinical Lead for the Adverse Drug Event Preventable Harm Initiative since 2008. He has served as Director-at-Large for the ASHP Section of Inpatient Care and been awarded the ASHP Foundation awards for Excellence in Medication Use Safety and for outstanding contribution to biomedical literature.


The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.