Implementation of a Pharmacist-provided Pharmacogenomics Service in an Executive Health Program
June 29, 2021
Dr. Yee-Ming Lee and Dr. Lisa Corbin discuss their involvement in the development of a pharmacogenomics program within an executive health setting, providing overviews on how the program works within an executive health system and what the program offers to patients.
Dr. Yee-Ming Lee received her Bachelor of Pharmacy and Master of Pharmaceutical Science degrees from Monash University, Australia. She then worked as a clinical pharmacist in inpatient and ambulatory settings in Singapore before coming to the U.S to obtain her PharmD. from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She completed her Post Graduate Year 1 (PGY1) residency followed by a PGY2 Specialty residency in Pharmacogenomics at the same institution. She then pursued a fellowship in Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenomics at the University of Chicago, where her fellowship focused on implementing pharmacogenomics in the hospital setting. In 2017, she joined the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences as a faculty, and her current clinical practice centers on implementing pharmacogenomics at UCHealth. Her interest is to translate actionable pharmacogenomic findings into clinical practice to impact patient care.
Dr. Lisa Corbin received her medical degree with honors and distinction from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was a member of AOA. She completed her Internal Medicine residency and chief residency at the University of Colorado and is board certified in Internal Medicine. She joined faculty based at HealthONE Presbyterian/St. Luke’s engaged in internal medicine practice and teaching until becoming the medical director of The Center for Integrative Medicine (TCFIM) at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) at its inception in 2001. There, she focused her clinical, educational, and research efforts on complementary / alternative medicine and continued general internal medicine practice. In 2017 she became the medical director of UCH’s Patient Coordinated Services program, which includes the Executive Health Program and the Pavilion Health primary care practice.
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