Description of patient questions received by clinical pharmacists in the Nudge Study
September 16, 2023
In this podcast, Dr. Joel Marrs discusses the AJHP Practice Report, “Description of patient questions received by clinical pharmacists in the Nudge Study,” with host and AJHP Editor in Chief Dr. Daniel Cobaugh.
Dr. Marrs is a Full Professor and Coordinator of Clinical Outreach in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Sciences at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy. He earned his PharmD from Butler University and MPH from the University of Colorado. He completed PGY1 and PGY2 residency training. He currently practices as an ambulatory care clinical pharmacist specialist with the Ascension Medical Group-Tennessee at the St Thomas Lenox Village Clinic.
The information presented during the podcast reflects solely the opinions of the presenter. The information and materials are not, and are not intended as, a comprehensive source of drug information on this topic. The contents of the podcast have not been reviewed by ASHP, and should neither be interpreted as the official policies of ASHP, nor an endorsement of any product(s), nor should they be considered as a substitute for the professional judgment of the pharmacist or physician.