Incorporating Learners in Interprofessional Teams
Guidelines, Consensus Documents, Government Publications, White Papers
Guidance on developing quality interprofessional education for the health professions (HPAC/NCIRE)
IPEC Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: 2021-2023 update (IPEC)
The Preceptor's Guide to the Nexus: Where Interprofessional Education Meets Collaborative Practice
Enhancing Interprofessional Education: Integrating Public Health and Social Work Perspectives (AJPH)
Best Practices and Spotlights
Characteristics of High-Performing Interprofessional Health Care Teams Involving Student Pharmacists
Top ten best practices for interprofessional precepting
Feasibility of Interprofessional Education in a Community Pharmacy
Interprofessional Education and Practice Guide No. 1; Developing faculty to effectively facilitate interprofessional educationTeam-based interprofessional practice placements
Tools and Resources
The Preceptor's Guide to the Nexus: Where Interprofessional Education Meets Collaborative Practice
The IPE performance report: A tool for preceptor development
Interprofessional Education Collaborative
Online Resource List
MedEdPortal Interprofessional Education Collection
Interprofessional objective structured teaching exercise to train preceptors
Framework for implementing interprofessional teams with learners