Practice Resources
The Practice Resource Section is a comprehensive offering for pharmacist seeking to establish or optimize pharmacy services within the Emergency Department (ED) and includes a wealth of information, articles, sample documents, and resources to enhance medication safety, streamline medication histories, implement antibiotic stewardship, improve discharge processes, and promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives.
ASHP Featured Resources
- ASHP Guidelines on Emergency Medicine Pharmacist Services
- ASHP Statement on the Role of the Pharmacy Workforce in Emergency Preparedness
- ASHP DEI Taskforce
- ASHP Inclusion Center
- Women in Pharmacy Leadership
Establishing Pharmacy Services in the Emergency Department
- Researching the use of Emergency Pharmacists in the ED (2008)
- Justification for the Emergency Pharmacist (2007)
- Role of the Emergency Pharmacist (2007)
- Implementing an Emergency Pharmacist into the ED (2007)
- Designing and Implementing an EM Pharmacist Program (2007)
- Clinical Pharmacy Services in the Emergency Department (2007)
- Emergency Pharmacists: Tools and Measures (2007)
- Emergency Pharmacist Outcomes Study (2007)
- Administrative Implementation of Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Services (2006)
- Establishing Emergency Department Pharmacy Services and Pharmacist Impact (2015)
- Clinical Pharmacists in Emergency Medicine
Sample Documents
- Sample Job description for ED Pharmacist
- Sample Requirements for ED Pharmacist
- Justification Summary Document
- Establishing Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Services and Medication Safety
Practice Implementation
- The impact of an Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacist on nursing satisfaction (Int J Clin Pharm 2019)
- Variable in training, practice, and prioritization of services among emergency medicine pharmacists (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2019)
- Direct patient care activities and interventions of emergency medicine pharmacists (Int J Clin Pharm 2019)
- A study of time saved by emergency medicine physicians through working with clinical pharmacists in the emergency department (Am J Emerg Med 2019)
- Roles of the Emergency Medicine Pharmacist: A Systematic Review (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2018)
- Clinical pharmacy services in the emergency department (Am J Emerg Med 2018)
- A survey of staff perceptions of an Emergency Medicine Pharmacist program in a community hospital: a brief report (Ann Emerg Med 2017)
- Emergency medicine pharmacists on an international scale (Emerg Med J 2017)
- Initiation of an emergency department pharmacy program during economically challenging times (AJHP 2012)
- Establishing emergency department clinical pharmacy services (AJHP 2010)
- Strategies for Implementing Emergency Department Pharmacy Services: Results from the 2007 ASHP Patient Care Impact Program (AJHP 2010)
- Implementing a Comprehensive, 24-hour Emergency Department Pharmacy Program (AJHP 2009)
- Expansion of pharmacists’ responsibilities in an emergency department (AJHP 2009)
- Documentation of Pharmacists Interventions in an Emergency Department and Associated Cost Avoidance (AJHP 2007)
- Clinical Pharmacy Services in an Emergency Department (AJHP 2004)
- Prioritizing pharmacy services in the emergency department (AJHP 1997)
- Twenty-four Hour Emergency Pharmaceutical Services (AJHP 1985)
- Emergency-room Services for a Community Health Center (AJHP 1981)
- Comprehensive pharmaceutical services in the emergency room (AJHP 1979)
- The clinical pharmacist in emergency medicine (AJHP 1977)
- Documentation of clinical and cost-saving pharmacy interventions in the emergency room (Hosp Pharm 1993)
- Impact of clinical pharmacists in the emergency department of an Australian public hospital: A before and after study (Emerg Med Australas 2015)
- Documentation of pharmacist interventions in the emergency department (AJHP 2005)
- Evidence shows cost and patient safety benefits of emergency pharmacists (Am J Med Qual 2008)
- Staff Perceptions of an On-site Clinical Pharmacist Program in an Academic Emergency Department after One Year (West J Emerg Med 2014)
- ASHP guidelines on emergency medicine pharmacist services (AJHP 2011)
- Evaluating and classifying pharmacists' quality interventions in the emergency department (AJHP 2011)
- Impact of Clinical Pharmacy Specialists on the Design and Implementation of a Quality Improvement Initiative to Decrease Inappropriate Medications in a Veterans Affairs Emergency Department (J Manag Care Spec Pharm 2016)
- Impact of clinical pharmacy services in a short stay unit of a hospital emergency department in Qatar (Int J Clin Pharm 2016)
- Partnered medication review and charting between the pharmacist and medical officer in the Emergency Short Stay and General Medicine Unit (AustralasEmerg Nurs J 2015)
- The effect of pharmacist-led medication review in high-risk patients in the emergency department: an evaluation protocol (CMAJ Open 2015)
- Impact of clinical pharmacists in the emergency department of an Australian public hospital: A before and after study (Emerg Med Australas 2015)
- ASHP Guidelines on Emergency Medicine Pharmacist Services (2021)
- Development of an emergency medicine pharmacy intensity score tool (AJHP 2023)
- Clinical Pharmacist Services in the Emergency Department (Ann Emerg Med 2021)
- The Role of Clinical Pharmacists in the Emergency Department (J Med Toxicol 2018)
- Clinical relevance of pharmacist intervention in an emergency department (Emerg Med J 2017)
- A national survey of emergency pharmacy practice in the United States (AJHP 2016)
- Pharmacists in the emergency department: Encouraging and discouraging findings (AJHP 2016)
- Development of an emergency medicine pharmacy intensity score tool (AJHP 2023)
- Clinical Pharmacist Services in the Emergency Department (Ann Emerg Med 2021)
- The Role of Clinical Pharmacists in the Emergency Department (J Med Toxicol 2018)
- Clinical relevance of pharmacist intervention in an emergency department (Emerg Med J 2017)
- A national survey of emergency pharmacy practice in the United States (AJHP 2016)
- Pharmacists in the emergency department: Encouraging and discouraging findings (AJHP 2016)
Medication Safety
- Effect of pharmacist-led task force to reduce opioid prescribing in the emergency department (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2019)
- Pediatric medication safety in the emergency department (Pediatrics 2018)
- Effect of emergency medicine pharmacists on medication-error reporting in an emergency department (AJHP 2010)
- Effect of pharmacist on medication errors in an emergency department (AJHP 2008)
- Medication errors recovered by emergency department pharmacists (Ann Emerg Med 2010)
- Forging a New Path to Medication Safety with Emergency Pharmacists (J Patient Safety 2008)
- Emergency Hospitalizations in Adverse Drug Events in Older Americans (N Engl J Med 2011)
- Severity and probability of harm of medication errors intercepted by an emergency department pharmacist (Int J Pharm Pract 2011)
- Drug safety at admission to emergency department: an innovative model for PRIOritizing patients for MEdication Reconciliation (PRIOMER) (Eur J Emerg Med 2017)
- The safety of emergency medicine (Emerg Med J 2016)
- The effect on potential adverse drug events of a pharmacist-acquired medication history in an emergency department: a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, controlled, parallel-group study [BMC Health Serv Res]
Medication Histories/Reconciliation
- Implementation and impact of pharmacist-initiated home medication ordering in an emergency department observation unit (J Pharm Pract 2019)
- Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of pharmacist-led medication reconciliation in the community after hospital discharge (BMJ Qual Saf 2018)
- Medication reconciliation in the emergency department (AJHP 2008)
- Pharmacist elicited medication histories in the Emergency Department: Identifying patient groups at risk of medication misadventure (Pharm Pract 2007)
- Pharmacist-conducted medication reconciliation in an emergency department (AJHP 2007)
- Pharmacist-acquired medication histories in a university hospital emergency department (AJHP 2006)
- Medication reconciliation by a pharmacist in the emergency department: a pilot project (Can J Hosp Pharm 2009)
- The effect of pharmacist-led medication review in high-risk patients in the emergency department: an evaluation protocol (CMAJ Open 2015)
- Emergency pharmacy practice and medication reconciliation (AJHP 2014)
- A multicentre, double-blind, randomised, controlled, parallel-group study of the effectiveness of a pharmacist-acquired medication history in an emergency department (BMC Health Serv Res 2013)
- Effectiveness of pharmacist-led medication reconciliation programmes on clinical outcomes at hospital transitions: a systematic review and meta-analysis (BMJ Open 2015)
- Medication histories by pharmacy technicians and physicians in an emergency department (Int J Clin Pharm 2015)
- Medication Reconciliation Practices in Canadian Emergency Departments: A National Survey (Can J Hosp Pharm 2015)
- Evaluation of the influence of a pharmacist-led patient-centered medication therapy management and reconciliation service in collaboration with emergency department physicians (J Manag Care Spec Pharm 2015)
- Improving admission medication reconciliation with pharmacists or pharmacy technicians in the emergency department: a randomised controlled trial (BMJ Qual Saf 2018)
Prospective Order Review
- Implementation of a 24-hour pharmacy service with prospective medication review in the emergency department (Hosp Pharm 2015)
Antimicrobial Therapy and Stewardship
- Emergency medicine clinical pharmacist’s impact on ordering of vancomycin loading doses (Am J Emerg Med 2019)
- Impact of an emergency medicine pharmacist on empiric antibiotic prescribing for pneumonia and intra-abdominal infections (Am J Emerg Med 2019)
- Pharmacist-led antimicrobial stewardship program in an urgent care setting (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2019)
- Pharmacists provide guidance on ED antimicrobial use (AJHP 2014)
- Emergency pharmacist impact on health care-associated pneumonia empiric therapy (J Pharm Pract 2013)
- Optimizing antimicrobial therapy through a pharmacist-managed culture review process in the ED (Am J Emerg Med 2014)
- Pharmacist addition to the post-ED visit review of discharge antimicrobial regimens (Am J Emerg Med 2014)
- Emergency medicine pharmacists and sepsis management (J Pharm Pract 2013)
- Pharmacist-managed antimicrobial stewardship program for patients discharged from the emergency department (J Pharm Pract 2012)
- Antimicrobial stewardship in the emergency department (J Pharm Pract 2011)
- Effect of a pharmacist-managed culture review process on antimicrobial therapy in an emergency department (AJHP 2011)
- Impact of an emergency medicine pharmacist on antibiotic dosing adjustment (Am J Emerg Med 2016)
- Pharmacist-driven antimicrobial optimization in the emergency department (AJHP 2016)
- Dosing of Appropriate Antibiotics and Time to Administration of First Doses in the Pediatric Emergency Department (J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2015)
- Antimicrobial stewardship in Australian emergency departments (Emerg Med Australas 2015)
- Antimicrobial Stewardship in the Emergency Department: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Call to Action for Pharmacists (Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2015)
Procedural Sedation, Rapid Sequence Intubation & Post-Intubation Sedation
- Pharmacists' role in procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department (AJHP 2012)
- Rapid-sequence intubation and the role of the emergency department pharmacist (AJHP 2011)
- Procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department (J Pharm Pract 2011)
- Impact of Clinical Pharmacists on Initiation of Postintubation Analgesia in the Emergency Department (J Emerg Med 2016)
Discharge Prescription Review
- An unmet need meets an untapped resource: pharmacist-led pathways for hypertension management for emergency department patients (Curr Hypertens Rep 2019)
- Emergency Department Discharge Prescription Interventions by Emergency Medicine Pharmacists (Ann Emerg Med 2013)
- Pharmacist presence decreases time to prothrombin complex concentrate in emergency department patients with life-threatening bleeding and urgent procedures (J Emerg Med 2019)
- Impact of a pharmacist-driven prothrombin complex concentrate protocol on time to administration in patients with warfarin-associated intracranial hemorrhage (West J Emerg Med 2019)
- Impact of an Emergency Medicine Pharmacy on initial antibiotic prophylaxis for open fractures in trauma patients (Am J Emerg Med 2018)
- Early involvement of the emergency department pharmacist in severe trauma (Emerg Med Australas 2018)
- The role of the emergency pharmacist in trauma resuscitation (J Pharm Pract 2011)
- Pharmacist's activities on a trauma response team in the emergency department (AJHP 2010)
- Preliminary national survey of pharmacist involvement in trauma resuscitation (AJHP 2009)
- Pharmacist's impact on acute pain management during trauma resuscitation (J Trauma Nurs 2015)
- Effect of a pharmacist on timing of postintubation sedative and analgesic use in trauma resuscitations (AJHP 2013)
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation & Rapid Response
- Hospitals see value in adding pharmacists to rapid-response teams (AJHP 2009)
- Pharmacists as Members of the Rapid Response Team (J Pharm Pract 2016)
- Pharmacist participation in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (AJHP 2005)
- Emergency Medicine Pharmacist impact on door-to-needle time in patients with acute ischemic stroke (Neurohospitalist 2018)
- Pharmacy resident participation with a 24-hour multidisciplinary stroke response team (AJHP 2010)
- Successful stroke-response team relies on pharmacists (AJHP 2007)
- Pharmacist Impact on Ischemic Stroke Care in the Emergency Department (J Emerg Med 2016)
DEI in the Emergency Department
- The Unspoken Inequities of our Boarding Crisis (Ann Emerg Med2023)
- Beyond a Moment - Reckoning with Our History and Embracing Antiracism in Medicine (NEJM 2020)
- A Quality Framework to Address Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Emergency Department Care (Ann Emerg Med2023)
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Pediatric Trauma Centers in the United States: A Geographic Information Systems Analysis (Ann Emerg Med2023)
- Trends in Inequities in the Treatment of and Outcomes for Women and Minorities with Myocardial Infarction (Ann Emerg Med 2022)
- The Time Is Now: Racism and the Responsibility of Emergency Medicine to Be Antiracist (Ann Emerg Med 2021)
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Opioid Prescribing for Long Bone Fractures at Discharge From the Emergency Department: A Cross-sectional Analysis of 22 Centers From a Health Care Delivery System in Northern California (Ann Emerg Med 2019)
- Executions and Police Conflicts Involving Children, Adolescents and Young Adults (Pediatr Clin North Am 2021)
- Racial and sex differences in emergency department triage assessment and test ordering for chest pain, 1997-2006 (Acad Emerg Med 2010)
- Racial and Gender Differences in Stroke Severity, Outcomes and Treatment in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke (J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2014)
- A Thousand Cuts: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Emergency Medicine (Med Care 2019)
- Emergency department volume and racial and ethnic differences in waiting times in the United States (Med Care 2012)
- Implicit bias among physicians and its prediction of thrombolysis decisions for black and white patients (J Gen Intern Med 2007)
- Racial and ethnic disparities in emergency department restraint use: A multicenter retrospective analysis (Acad Emerg Med 2021)
- Racial Differences in Pediatric Emergency Department Triage Scores (J Emerg Med 2016)
- Reparations as a Public Health Priority - A Strategy for Ending Black-White Health Disparities (N Engl J Med 2020)
- Unconscious Bias and the Diagnosis of Disruptive Behavior Disorders and ADHD in African American and Hispanic Youth (Acad Psych 2020)
- Variation in emergency department wait times for children by race/ethnicity and payment source (Health Serv Res 2009)
- More than a buzz word: Building diversity, equity, and inclusion into pharmacy residency recruitment (JACCP 2022)
- Diversity in pharmacy residency recruitment (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2022)
- Increasing Resident Diversity in an Emergency Medicine Residency Program: A Pilot Intervention With Three Principal Strategies (Acad Med 2016)
- Breaking barriers for underrepresented minorities in the health professions (Healthforce Center at UCSF 2018)
- Assessment of gender differences in letters of recommendation for pharmacy residency applicants (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2021)
- Bias in recruitment: A focus on virtual interviews and holistic review to advance diversity (AEM Educ Train 2021)
- Grade-point averages and class rankings in evaluation of pharmacy residency applicants (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2010)
- Leading diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts within the pharmacy department (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2022)
- Impact of PhORCAS references on overall application score for postgraduate year 1 pharmacy residency candidates (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2020)
- Best Practices for Reducing Bias in the Interview Process (Curr Urol Rep 2022)
- Grade point average is an inappropriate measure of a residency candidate's knowledge and skills (JACCP 2019)
- Rethinking letters of reference: Narrowing the gap between evidence and practice (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2021)
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