Articles and Guidelines
General Pain Management
- A multicenter, open-label, exploratory dose-ranging trial of intranasal hydromorphone for managing acute pain from traumatic injury (J Pain 2010)
- A prospective randomized, double-dummy trial comparing IV push low dose ketamine to short infusion of low dose ketamine for treatment of pain in the ED. (Am J Emerg Med 2017)
- Clinical policy: Critical issues in the prescribing of opioids for adult patients in the emergency Department (Ann Emerg Med 2012)
- Comparison of Intravenous Ketorolac at Three Single-Dose Regimens for Treating Acute Pain in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Ann Emerg Med 2017)
- Intranasal drug delivery: an efficient and non-invasive route for systemic administration: focus on opioids (Pharmacol Ther 2012)
- Intranasal fentanyl for pain management in children: a systematic review of the literature (J Pediatr Health Care 2011)
- Intravenous lidocaine for renal colic in the emergency department (ED) (Am J Emerg Med 2019)
- Intravenous opioids for severe acute pain in the emergency department (Ann Pharmacother 2010)
- Ketamine as an Adjunct to Opioids for Acute Pain in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (Acad Emerg Med 2017)
- Oral Analgesics Utilization for Children With Musculoskeletal Injury (OUCH Trial): An RCT (Pediatrics 2017)
- Pain in the emergency department: results of the pain and emergency medicine initiative (PEMI) multicenter study (J Pain 2007)
- Randomized clinical trial comparing the safety and efficacy of hydromorphone titration to usual care in the management of adults emergency department patients with acute severe pain (Ann Emerg Med 2011)
- Relief of pain and anxiety in pediatric patients in emergency medical systems (Pediatrics 2012)
- Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Lidocaine for Pain Management in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review (Ann Emerg Med 2018)
The Use of Ketamine for Acute Treatment of Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. (J Emerg Med 2017)
The use of intranasal analgesia for acute pain control in the emergency department: A literature review (Am J Emerg Med 2018)
Procedural Sedation
- Clinical practice advisory: emergency department procedural sedation with propofol (Am Emerg Med 2007)
- Combination of ketamine and propofol versus either agent alone for procedural sedation in the emergency department (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2011)
- Dexmedetomidine and ketamine: an effective alternative for procedural sedation? (Pediatr Crit Care Med 2012)
- Dexmedetomidine sedation: uses in pediatric procedural sedation outside the operating room (Pediatr Crit Care Med 2012)
- Practice Guidelines for Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia (Anesthesiology 2018)
- Procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department (J PharmPract 2011)
- Propofol for emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia: a tale of three centers (Acad Emerg Med 2006)
- Randomized clinical trial of etomidate versus propofol for procedural sedation in the emergency department (Ann Emerg Med 2007)
- Retrospective Comparison of Intranasal Fentanyl and Inhaled Nitrous Oxide to Intravenous Ketamine and Midazolam for Painful Orthopedic Procedures in a Pediatric Emergency Department (Pediatr Emerg Care 2021)
- Clinical policy: procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department (Ann Emerg Med 2014)
- Clinical practice guideline for emergency department ketamine dissociative sedation: 2011 update (Ann Emerg Med 2011)
- Clinical Practice Guideline for Emergency Department Procedural Sedation With Propofol: 2018 Update (Ann Emerg Med 2019)
- Continuum of depth of sedation: Definition of general anesthesia and levels of sedation/analgesia (American Society of Anesthesiologists 2014)
- Statement on safe use of propofol (American Society of Anesthesiologists 2014)
Rapid Sequence Intubation
- A comparison of the effects of etomidate and midazolam on hospital length of stay in patients with suspected sepsis: a prospective, randomized study (Ann Emerg Med 2010)
- Airway management of the critically ill patient: rapid-sequence intubation (Chest 2005)
- Comparison of succinylcholine and rocuronium for first-attempt intubation success in the emergency department (Acad Emerg Med 2011)
- Corticosteroid after etomidate in critically ill patients: a randomized controlled trial (Crit Care Med 2012)
- Etomidate versus ketamine for rapid sequence intubation in acutely ill patients: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (Lancet 2009)
- Myth: Ketamine should not be used as an induction agent for intubation in patients with head injury (CJEM 2010)
- Rapid-sequence intubation and the role of the emergency department pharmacist (Am J Health Syst Pharm 2011)
- Rocuronium versus succinylcholine for rapid sequence intubation (Cochran Database Syst Rev 2008)
- Single-dose etomidate is not associated with increased mortality in ICU patient with sepsis: analysis of a large electronic ICU database (Crit Care Med 2013)
- Succinylcholine Is Associated with Increased Mortality When Used for Rapid Sequence Intubation of Severely Brain Injured Patients in the Emergency Department (Pharmacotherapy 2016)
- The effect of a bolus dose of etomidate on cortisol levels, mortality, and health service utiliazation: a sytematic review (Ann Emerg Med 2010)
- The effect of etomidate on adrenal function in critical illness: a systematic review (Intensive Care Med 2011)
- The impact of etomidate on mortality in trauma patients (Can J Anaesth 2014)
- What is the Role of Sugammadex in the Emergency Department? (J Emerg Med 2021)
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