Education and Training
In the Education and Training section of the resource center you will find a curated list of educational offerings focused on critical care from ASHP include webinars and podcasts, a collection of high-quality blogs written by experts and practitioners in critical care, a directory of websites that serve as valuable references for critical care professionals and an assortment of engaging and educational podcasts dedicated to critical care.
Featured ASHP Resources
- Emergency Preparedness Assessment Tool for Health-System Pharmacy Departments: ASHP's Emergency Preparedness Assessment Tool for Health-System Pharmacy epartments is intended for a single site hospital or health system to provide pharmacy teams with a resource to assist in development and optimization of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for all local, regional, or national emergency scenarios including Mass Casualty Incidents (MCI), natural disasters, and CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) events.
- Critical Care Pharmacy Board Certification Preparation Program: Board certification program offerings that combine interactive and scenario-based learning with traditional didactic learning for a well-rounded experience.
- Critical Care Pharmacy Specialty Review Course Practice Exam: The Critical Care Pharmacy Specialty Review Course Practice Exam is a compilation of practice questions to help you prepare for the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) Critical Care Pharmacy Specialty examination. The practice exam questions are based from content discussed in the Critical Care Pharmacy Specialty Review Course. The course is designed based on the domains, tasks, and knowledge statements developed by BPS for the examination, and provides in-depth review of patient care issues for practitioners in critical care.
- Critical Care Pharmacy 3-Year Recertification Plan: The 3-Year Board Recertification plan gives learners access to ACCP/ASHP’s wide variety of online board recertification activities and assessments. All recertification activities provide immediate pass/fail notification of credit earned, and are reported to your professional profile in real-time.
- Fundamental Pharmacy Practice Skills for Acute Care Settings Certificate: This self-guided, online learning activity is intended for pharmacists who are or are considering a transition into hospital practice from community or retail practice and need to learn or refresh practice skills unique to or required in acute care settings
- Research Skills Certificate: This certificate is designed for participants to increase the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and conduct credible research. The certificate addresses the basic foundational skills needed to facilitate research including leadership, time management, and project management.
- Teaching Certificate: The Teaching Certificate for Pharmacists includes three distinct tracks that offer a well-rounded learning experience. The Core Track covers the fundamentals of teaching practice, the Academic Teaching Track concentrates on traditional didactic instruction, and the Experiential Teaching Track focuses on teaching in practice environments.
Education and Training
Featured ASHP Podcasts
- When Low is the Way to Go: The Skinny on Low-Dose Buprenorphine Inductions (C.E.)
- Good Grief! I Need Pain Relief! Treatment of Acute Pain (C.E.)
- Alternative Routes of Administration for Acute Pain Management (C.E.)
- Another Ouchie: Unintended Consequences of the Opioid Epidemic on Pediatric Pain Management (C.E.)
- Opioid De-escalation: Are We Exceeding the Limit? (C.E.)
- A Compassionate Approach to Acute Opioid Withdrawal (C.E.)
- Alternatives to Opioids (ALTO) (C.E.)
Featured ASHP Webinars
Clinical Webinars
- Recorded Pharmacist Series: Anticoagulant Reversal (2024)
- Antibiotic Stewardship 2023: CDC Updates and Case Examples Using NHSN Antimicrobial Use Option (2023)
- Leveraging Medication-Use Evaluations to Optimize Care: Focus on Andexanet alfa (2023)
- Coming Around the Bend: The Management of Pain in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease (2023)
- What's the Risk? Updates on the Safe Use of Medicines in Patients with G6PD Deficiency (2022)
- Planning for a Safe Transition from Alteplase to Tenecteplase for Acute Ischemic Stroke (2022)
- The Dos and Don'ts of DOACs in Pediatrics (2022)
Professional Development
- Another Year Wiser: Reducing Ageism (2023)
- Tools for Today: Intentional Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (2023)
- Pharmacy Technician Recruitment and Retention: A Crisis Situation (2023)
- Just Culture in Everyday Practice (2023)
- Non-Race-Based eGFR Equations: Implications for Medication-Related Decision Making (2022)
- Affirming Pharmacist Care: Understanding Disparities and Creating an Inclusive Environment for Sexual and Gender Minorities (2022)
Residents and Students
- Office of Experiential Education Best Practices on Well-Being & Resilience Initiatives for Preceptors and Experiential Learners (2023)
- An RPD Guide to the New Pharmacy Residency Standards (2023)
- Incorporating Learners into Research Projects (2023)
- Precepting Generation Z (2022)
- Criteria-Based Feedback For Residents: Review of Standard 3.4c (2022)
- Strategies to Incorporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Pharmacy Resident Selection Process (2022)
- How to Promote Residency Growth and Advance Clinical Pharmacy Practice (2021)
- Candid Conversations – Exploring a Culture of Inclusion for Student Pharmacist Applicants (2022)
Web-Based Resources
- AJHP: Emergency Preparedness and Clinician Well-being Collection
- The Journal of Medical Toxicology is the official journal of the American College of Medical Toxicology.
- The Journal of Emergency Medicine is the official journal of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM)
- The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery is the official journal of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma.
- Journal of the American Academy of Children and Adolescent Psychiatry
- ASHP Official Podcast
- American Psychiatric Association Podcasts
- The Carlat Psychiatry
- Psyched Podcast
- 3-minute patient presentation for ED rotations
- ACEP Frontline
- Annals of Emergency Medicine Podcast
- Emergency Medicine Reviews and Perspectives (EMRAP)
- EM Basic
- EM Crit Blog Podcast
- Life in the Fastlane
- Presenting patients in the ED
- Pharmacy Joe
- R.E.B.E.L. EM
- Secret to patient presentations in ED
- The Poison Lab
Training Programs and Courses
- ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support)
- ADLS (Advanced Disaster Life Support)
- AHLS (Advanced Hazmat Life Support)
- ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support)
- BLS (Basic Life Support)
- ENLS (Emergency Neurological Life Support)
- FEMA - NIMs Training
- PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support)
- Required Competency Areas, Goals, and Objectives for Emergency Medicine Postgraduate Year Two (PGY2) Pharmacy Residencies [PDF]
- Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Specialty Certification (BCEMP)
Emergency Medicine Professional Societies