Brent Sokola
His Story
Dr. Sokola received his Pharm.D. and M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy in 2018. After graduation in 2018, he worked as an inpatient pharmacist at UK HealthCare. In March of 2019, he transitioned to the ambulatory care arena to work with UK Specialty Pharmacy as an pharmacist embedded in the UK Neurology Clinic. In August of 2020, he moved to Cleveland Ohio to work with University Hospitals Specialty Pharmacy as a Clinical Specialty Pharmacist embedded in the UH Neuroscience Institute. Dr. Sokola is a Multiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist through the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.
Describe the facility where you work
University Hospitals Specialty Pharmacy (UHSP) is a specialty pharmacy integrated into the University Hospitals Health System. Dr. Sokola works with the pharmacy as a clinical pharmacist specializing in Neurology where he assists to maintain clinical pharmacy pathways for initiation and monitoring of specialty medication therapy for self-administered and infusion medications, including step therapy requirements, patient education, and monitoring of applicable laboratory, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacogenomic results.
Recent Significant Projects
Dr. Sokola is involved several research projects. “Reported Outcomes for DMTs in Multiple Sclerosis: Relatively Misleading” is a systematic review of relative risk reduction vs absolute risk reduction and number needed to treat to describe ‘relapse rates’ and ‘% of patients with ≥1 relapse’ as outcomes for randomized, phase 3 controlled trials in multiple sclerosis. “Anti-TNF-α therapy in inflammatory bowel disease and Multiple Sclerosis” aims to evaluate the incidence of MS in IBD patients who use TNF- directed therapies.
Current Involvement in ASHP
Dr. Sokola has been a member of ASHP since 2018, and is a current member for the Section Advisory Group on Ambulatory Care Pharmacotherapy.
Why did you become involved in ASHP?
I am early in my pharmacy career and still developing. I want to have an ear to current trends in pharmacy practice. If applicable, I would like to provide insight based on my experiences to other pharmacists.
Advice for Someone New to Specialty Area
Get to know the clinic providers: what services would they like from a pharmacist, what services are they unaware that pharmacists can provide, when are they available for you to troubleshoot pharmacy issues, how does each provider differ from what might be "standard of practice"? Stay current with literature. A specialist (or sub specialist) presciber will always be up-to-date with the most recent trial data AND prevailing opinions on clinical grey areas in their specialty. The expectation of providers for a pharmacist practicing in specialist areas is no less.
How would you explain the value of ASHP to a friend or colleague?
Getting involved with a Section Advisory Group is a great way to connect with your peers and gain insight into what is done at other institutions. They may be able to provide insight on successes or failures related to current projects or barriers faced based on prior experience.

Inpatient Care Practitioner